Donate and ensure international protection in Finland!
Those who have been forced to flee their homes due to war and persecution are not treated equally with others in Finland. Their rights to live with their family, to work and to build a safe future are threatened. These people and their families are in need of international protection. The Finnish Refugee Advice Centre is working to make sure that they are protected and that they receive equal treatment before the law.
We are specialists in assisting vulnerable groups such as unaccompanied minors, victims of torture and human trafficking, as well as sexual and gender minorities. Therefore, our unique knowledge and expertise, based on our everyday specialist work, forms the basis for our advocacy work.
With your donation, we can make sure our advocacy work continues. Thanks to your gift, we can:
- Defend the rights of vulnerable refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants and victims of human trafficking.
- Advocate for improvements to the Aliens Act and immigration policy.
- Enhance the cooperation between different organizations working for the refugee cause.
Making a donation is an effective and easy way to support our work. There are various different ways to make your donation:
Donate through your online bank or credit/debit card through our donation page, here. Only the first form is in Finnish, the actual payment site is available in English as well. The first form asks your name (Koko nimeni), your email address (Sähköpostiosoitteeni) and the donation amount (Haluan lahjoittaa). You can leave the other fields blank, you only need to fill in the amount you want to donate.
You can donate directly via MobilePay through this link (on your phone) or using the code 42767.
You can also make a transfer to our Nordea account FI45 1555 3000 1235 97, NDEAFIHH. Use the reference number 1070.
Making a recurring donation is the most effective way to support out work. The easiest way to do this is to make a recurring payment through your online bank to our Nordea account FI45 1555 3000 1235 97, NDEAFIHH. Use the reference number 1070.
In case you need further instructions, you may ask from the customer service of your bank directly.
Does your organization want to support vulnerable people in Finland?
By supporting the work of the Finnish Refugee Advice Centre you can promote the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and other vulnerable groups in Finland. By e.g. donating a part of your sales or organizing a fundraiser at your event, you are making a real impact. At the same time, this is a powerful way to communicate that your organization is committed to building a just and equal Finland – for us all.
We are more than happy to discuss what would be the best way for your organization to support us! Please do not hesitate to contact Anna Helttula (anna.helttula(at) directly in any matters regarding possible collaboration.
If you have any questions about the Finnish Refugee Advice Centre, please send us an email to pan(at)
Thank you so much for your support. Without our supporters our work would not be possible.
Fundraising permit RA/2021/447 issued by the National Police Board is valid starting from 8.4.2021 in mainland Finland. Please note that according to our fundraising permit we are only allowed to solicit donations in mainland Finland.
You can also make a difference by sharing this page and letting even more people know about the Finnish Refugee Advice Centre. This can multiply the impact of your donation.